Tag Archives: Abruzzo

Alf in Italy, Ferragosto in San Vito

  I’m sitting at my desk on a chilly, damp Melbourne June morning. The last flowers clinging to the branches of the Bougainvillea are a reminder of a distant summer. Rain is slowly dripping off the leaves of the bay tree joining the few forlorn geranium petals that have been blown onto the terracotta tiles on our…
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Alf in Italy, Eating in Abruzzo Part 2 – Fruits of the Adriatic Sea

The coast of Abruzzo is washed by the azure water of the Adriatic Sea. In summer the wide sandy beaches are extremely popular with locals and visitors. The beach establishments are open, umbrellas and lounges spread across the sand in orderly rows, bathers are enticed by the warm shallows of the Adriatic and everyone on…
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Cuttlefish with peas

Seppie e Piselli This dish is inspired by a family recipe passed on by my nonna to my aunt and onto me. The recipe here is very different from the one my nonna made. It is my version and I guarantee brilliant results. No other recipe more than this one typifies the struggle I had…
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Alf in Italy, Two tickets for Rome (Due biglietti per Roma)

Sandra and I were about to return from Pescara to Rome. The train takes an indeterminable four hours to make the trip. The bus (we say coach for an intercity bus, the Italians call it a pullman) takes about two hours along the A 25 / A24 autostrada through the spectacular scenery of the Appenines.…
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